BuPol Bali 2025– International Conference on Business, Economics & Policy, 16-17 December

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BuPol Bali 2025– International Conference on Business, Economics & Policy, 16-17 December

On successful submission of the Conference Application Form, the login ID and password will be emailed on your registered email id.

You may need to check the spam folder or unblock the domain (convener@eurasiaresearch.info).

Login id: Your Primary email id
Password: User Name of your email id

For Example, if your email id is jsmith@example.com

Then your,
Username is: jsmith@example.com
Password is: jsmith

Please add (convener@eurasiaresearch.info) in your email contacts list

Various categories of participation are as below:

  • Presenter (Oral, Poster, and Video) Full paper is not compulsory, you may just submit your abstract.
  • Listener (no abstract/ paper submission and without paper presentation)
  • Absentia (without actually coming to the conference)
  • Virtual presenter (without actually coming to the conference, but sending Video presentation)

Opportunities for networking and socializing:

  • Our conference engages participants for real networking experiences.
  • We arrange the entire conference in such a way that participants may interact with each other freely through team building activities/ socializing during breaks/ research collaboration activities.
  • We try and add each participant to our Facebook Page, so that all of us may have long term and everlasting friendly relations.

Presentation modes and options (Oral, Poster and Video)

You may present in three ways and we treat all the ways to be equal.

  • Oral presentation: You have to just bring your presentation in a PowerPoint format (we encourage short video files which would make the presentation interesting). Each presenter will get a maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation, which includes set-up time and 2-3 minutes of Q & A session.
  • Poster presentation: All you have to do is to make a poster on soft copy/ hard copy (Ideally 2 feet x 3 feet). We would project the soft copy on the LCD projector for 5-10 minutes. If the author brings the printed poster, we would be attaching it to the display board/ display wall. The poster may be explained to the participants by the presenter.
  • Video presentation: You may just make a video of your paper presentation and bring it to the conference venue, where it will be played to the audience. You may take the help of your friends/ colleagues/ students to present on your behalf in the video. The video must be shot in proper lighting and due care must be taken for its audio and video clarity. This video should not be of more than 10 minutes and you should be physically available to solve the queries.

Prompt and hassle-free services

This is one of our most appealing strengths. We reply to the emails promptly and understand the need of our participants. Our staff makes all efforts to make things hassle-free and add value to our participants.

Guaranteed Publication Opportunity

All accepted original research papers in the English Language will be published in selected journals as per the publication policy, as available on the conference website. Once you receive the Invitation/ Acceptance letter, that means your full paper is also accepted for publication in an International Journal, if you follow editorial instructions/ guidelines.

Conference Proceedings

All accepted abstracts are published in the conference proceedings, which is available on the conference page for download on the conference day.

Presentation in  Regional Languages

Separate Technical Sessions may be arranged in other languages like Thai/ Malay/ Persian/ Chinese/ European Languages, Sinhalese, Tamil  (if there are 5 or more participants of the same dialect.)

Multiple/Flexible Participation Modes

You may participate as a Presenter, even if you do not want to submit your full paper to us. You may only submit your “Abstract”. We also allow Published work, Synopsis, Dissertation, and Research Proposals.

Those who do not want to physically participate may opt for the Absentia/ Virtual Participation mode.

For participants who do not want to present or do not have a Paper/ Abstract for presentation, have the option to participate as listeners.

All accepted original research papers in the English Language will be published in selected journals as per the publication policy, as available on the conference website. Once you receive the Invitation/ Acceptance letter, that means your full paper is also accepted for publication in an International Journal, if you follow the communicated editorial instructions/ guidelines.

The journal publication will be peer-reviewed, checked for plagiarism, indexed, archived, open access, referenced by CrossRef and will carry ISSN number and DOI.

Even if your full paper is not yet ready, you may participate in the desired conference with your abstract. The abstract must contain the following:

  • Article Title
  • Full Names/ Emails/ Affiliations of the authors
  • Abstract in 100-300 words
  • 3-7 Keywords

You may update your submitted abstract/ title/ co-authors/ submit your full-paper on a later stage (before the conference).

You may submit your full original paper for publication in the conference journal, when it is complete, till the conference date. The last date of submission is the conference day itself. While submitting the full paper, please provide the following in the email:

  • Full paper in MS Word format. (Ideally, a research paper should be 2500-3000 words).
  • Details of 2 reviewers with their names, affiliations, contact numbers and email IDs (If possible send two emails for each reviewer).
  • Duly filled and scanned the 'Consent to Publish' form with a handwritten signature.

We follow the following steps for publication in our associated International Journals. The publication process takes around 70 days, starting from the end of the conference.

  • A list of registered papers is sent to all the participants of the conference within a week's time after the conference. Please see, if your paper is included in the list. If not, please write back to us for inclusion. This list would also mention for any deficiency/incompleteness found in the submitted paper. You would be given 10 days to return your complete papers/ required information.
  • After this, the editorial team would send all complete papers for review (usually 5-7 reviewers). The review process takes around 30 days.
  • Following this, our editor would send the editorial comments/ suggestions to the corresponding author. Please improve the paper as indicated in the review and send it back to us within 10 days.
  • If the paper received is complete in all regards as per the comments/ suggestions, it would be sent for final publication, else we would send it again to you and finally, 5 days would be given to you for its improvement.
  • Finally, the paper is published and the authors are informed about the published paper by email, which contains the paper URL, DOI, Citation, and other related information.

If you fail to meet the deadlines/ correct the paper as per review comments, the paper may be rejected or it will be postponed for publication in the next issue. Normally, the entire process takes around 70 days.

Authors may request the conference secretariat for withdrawing their paper, for publishing it elsewhere (in the journal of their choice). In such cases, the requested papers are removed from the publication process. The withdrawal requests may be given to the conference secretariat before the commencement of the publication process (7 days after the conference).

The ethics statements for Eurasia Research Conference are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines available at www.publicationethics.org.

All accepted papers will be checked for plagiarism using iThenticate (Turnitin Software). The acceptable plagiarism level is up to 20%. A plagiarism report will be sent to the author of the manuscript if detected with plagiarism levels higher than acceptable limits. The author needs to take corrective measures, so as to, bring the plagiarism below 20%, and resend the manuscript to the editor. The conference secretariat will not publish any paper, which fails in these criteria.

Even after publication, if the paper is found/ reported of plagiarism or false science, the author would be sent a ‘Retraction Notice’, and the paper will be revised/ retracted from the journal (according to the given situation).

  • You would be interacting with intellectuals across the globe. This may result in a strong network which is of utmost importance in today’s competitive world.
  • In-depth learning of subjects and phenomena within your domain and interest areas. You would be enhancing your academic credentials and standing.
  • The development of ideas, expression and perspectives from personal experience and environment is our utmost concern.
  • Develop the confidence within you. We understand and realize this point to a great extent and we try hard to boost and support the participant by understanding the presenters’ state of mind.
  • You may enjoy Academic tourism. We have a deep concern for this and we are flexible to a great extent for developing academic tourism. We always organize our conferences in tourist destinations and also guide our participants in making the best use of time and resources.
  • You may avail sponsorship from your University/ Institution/ Company/ Government for your participation and travel expenses.

Academic Conference Dress Code: Formals

While you may have gotten used to the daily routine of graduate school or teaching, presenting at a conference, or even just attending one, can be a whole different activity. The preparatory checklist is long enough as it is, however, without having the added conundrum of worrying about your appearance. If you’re in business school, perhaps you’re used to ironing your button-down shirt and slacks every day, but most academics cringe when they hear the term 'business casual.'

In this post, we’ll give you some general guidelines about what’s appropriate, what to keep in mind and what absolutely to avoid when dressing for an academic conference. We hope that this advice will allow you to mark one small thing off your checklist, thereby allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of attending an academic conference. Regardless of gender or age, there are a few basic things to be aware of.

The basics:

It’s quite likely that you’ll be travelling prior to the conference and might not have access to an iron. Moreover, remember to pack clothes that work for both standing and sitting, and won’t be covered in wrinkles after a few hours. With this in mind, there are a few things you should think about. Not wearing linen is a good idea, for example, unless your conference is taking place on a tropical island. Bringing some backup options is always a good idea in case one of your items of clothing gets wrinkled - it may not be easy to reach an iron. Wearing dark colours is a good idea as they are universally flattering and hide wrinkles and spillages. Finally, pack some layers; you might be in a room with an air conditioner for one talk and in a veritable sauna the next, and you don't want to be distracted by being too hot or too cold.

Smart is better than casual:

It’s always better to dress up than down. While “business wear” can mean a full suit for some folks and jeans and a nice top for others, it’s better to be the only guy with a tie than the only one without. No matter what time of year, shorts are never a good choice, as they come across as too casual.

For women, skirts and dresses are fine, but nothing too tight or short, as this can seem unprofessional. A nice blazer or scarf can dress up a plain outfit. Be aware of what you’re wearing on top though – as a general rule you shouldn’t show any cleavage, as it can be distracting or even offensive, and it’s better just to err on the conservative side.

Dressing for presenting:

If you’re presenting for the first time, remember that your presence can be nearly as important as your presentation. In order to seem professional and poised, avoid large jewellery or busy prints, and make sure your hair is not hiding your face. Women can wear heels, but make sure you’re comfortable walking and standing for an extended period of time.

Aside from this, whatever you're wearing you should try and be as confident as possible when presenting. Squaring your shoulders, standing straight and having your legs at shoulder-width apart is a body position that suggests confidence and authority. Doing something like this makes you look assured and assertive, which is just as important as looking smart.

Moreover, don’t feel pressured to completely let go of your personality in favour of a professional wardrobe. As long as you feel comfortable, you’re more likely to come across as confident. Interpret our suggestions as they make sense for you, and just remember to bring a few extra options for surprise occasions like extra dinners, unexpected weather changes or other unforeseen circumstances.

Source: https://inomics.com/insight/dress-code-for-academic-conferences-what-to-wear-and-what-to-avoid-48004

Please fill the 'ONLINE CONFERENCE APPLICATION FORM' available on the conference website. Presenters should submit their Article/ Abstract and Photograph. Listeners are only required to submit their latest photos.

Or, just email on conference contact mail as given on the conference website. Please mention author names, affiliation, conference name/ date/ location and contact information clearly. The abstract should be in a Microsoft word file. At this stage, the abstract does not have a fixed format/template. Please read the ’Author Guidelines’ given on each conference microsite for more details.

As this is an international conference, the general language for communication is English. Separate Technical Sessions may be arranged in other languages like Thai/ Malay/ Persian/ Chinese/ European Languages/ Sinhalese/ Tamil/ Other Languages (if there are 5 or more participants of the same dialect.)

Only articles in the English Language are eligible for journal publication.

Abstracts in English and other languages will be included in the conference proceedings.

You may register for more than 1 paper (eg. 2, 3 or 4 papers). Please visit the registration page of our event website for fee details for the submission of additional papers.

Please resubmit your abstract as soon as possible! There may be a number of reasons, why you have not received your Confirmation/ Acknowledgement. This could be due to:

  • Email Delay
  • Wrong Email ID
  • Blocking of our email by your Email server

In any case, please contact the Conference Secretariat in order to check the status of your submission. Please don't presume that we have received your abstract successfully until you have received an acknowledgement from us.

In case of any ambiguity, please feel free to contact the conference secretariat at the provided email address (convener@eurasiaresearch.info) on the contact page of the conference website.

Even if your full paper is not yet ready, you may participate in the desired conference with your abstract. The abstract must contain the following:

  • Article Title
  • Full Names/ Emails/ Affiliations of the authors
  • Abstract in 100-300 words
  • 3-7 Keywords

You may update your submitted abstract/ title/ co-authors/ submit your full paper at a later stage (before the conference).

The sooner you apply for the conference, the better and more comfortable it will be for both the participant and the organizers. As the conference has limited seats, the submissions received after filling the seats will be declined or deferred. Please read the publication Process section in the FAQ for more details.

Yes, you may still submit an article, without physically attending the conference. Such submissions will be included in the Conference Proceedings and the registration can be done in the ‘absentia’ category. The submitted paper will be considered for journal publication, as per the journal policies, and the author will be provided with a participation certificate and receipt through email and post.

Registration Fee includes:

  • Participation in the technical program
  • Lunch and coffee breaks
  • International journal publication of original papers, accepted for publication
  • No charge for extra pages in the publication
  • Conference accessories
  • Conference e-Proceedings
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Lifetime membership of the scholarly association

You can confirm your payment to the conference secretariat by writing an email. The participants will be provided with a hard-copy receipt at the conference venue.

Yes, if you are presenting an oral, poster or video presentation, it is absolutely essential that you register before the registration deadline as per the invoice provided to you.

The acceptance of your abstract is conditional on your “registration” to attend the conference. Your registration confirms the organizers that will be attending the conference.

If you do not register by the author deadline, your presentation will be automatically removed from the program.

If the deadline is not suitable for you for whatever reasons, then please contact the Conference Secretariat in order to request to give some relaxation in deadlines (if possible).

Yes. Please send an email to the Conference secretariat explaining the revision, and attach the revised abstract. Remember to quote your Registration ID in the email. Please do not fill the “Online Application form” again.

Yes, you can submit a paper with not more than 6 co-authors. If co-authors are also attending our conference, then their registration fee is as mentioned on the registration page of the conference website.

The participants are suggested to book the hotel/ accommodation of their choice and budget. You may use any booking website for the same.

For example:

  • www.booking.com
  • www.agoda.com
  • www.trivago.com
  • www.expedia.com
  • www.hotels.com

The submitted paper should be presented at the conference by the registered researcher himself/ herself, or by his/ her nominee. You may choose to have an oral, poster or video presentations based on your choice and convenience.

The participant need not hold a certain or specific qualification. i.e., individuals with or without PhD could present their research papers at this International conference. The Participants are generally a mix of Students, Researchers, Academicians, and Corporate Delegates.

You may avail of the Scholarship Scheme as mentioned on our website if you are eligible for it. Unfortunately, the conference organizers do not financially support delegate attendance. We wish you every success in your independent search for funding. Please note that authors who have not registered themselves by the author registration deadline will have their presentation removed from the Program.

In order to promote students and research scholars to participate in International Conference. 'Young Researcher Scholarship' is provided in form of a full registration fee waiver. This scholarship will be given to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

Eligibility and Conditions:

  • The applicant should submit and present 'Original Research Work' at the conference.
  • The applicant's research work will be published in the International Journal assigned by the conference committee, free of charge if the author fulfils all the reviewer comments and suggestions within the stipulated time.
  • The scholarship only gives a full waiver of the registration fee. The applicant needs to arrange for the travel, stay and other expenses on his/ her own.
  • The selected candidates need to confirm their availability during the conference days.
  • The conference committee will select the application based on merit, and not on, first come first serve basis, also the committee reserves the right to cancel the candidature of applicants found to be ineligible or unsuitable.
  • The applicant's age should not be more than 40 years.
  • The applicant should agree to become a volunteer during the conference days.
  • The selected candidates will receive all privileges given to any other participant of the conference.

Usually, due to a large number of applications received for the scholarship award, the applicants are advised to apply in advance and to reply to all correspondence swiftly.


Email following details and documents to conference committee:

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Affiliation
  • Research Title
  • Conference Full Name
  • Conference Dates and Location
  • Original Research Article in MS Word format
  • Passport Size Photo
  • CV
  • Scanned Copy of Student/ Research Scholar ID Card

The conference committee will send an acknowledgement on receiving your mail with appropriate details and documents.

We strongly advise the conference delegates to reach the conference venue on the presentation day at the start of the conference. But, it is possible to register at a later stage.

PayPal (most recommended) details are given on the registration page. You just need a debit/credit card and an email address.

Wire Transfer: You may request us for our bank account details and pay the fee as per your invoice. Please note that additional charges apart from the registration fees are borne by the participant. Kindly send bank details request to our email (convener@eurasiaresearch.info). Do not forget to email us the bank wire transfer (SWIFT) receipt. Otherwise, it will not be possible for us to trace your payment and confirm your participation.

On Spot Registration: Delegates from countries with financial restrictions on fund transfer (e.g., Iran) may inform the conference secretariat and submit the registration fee at the conference venue on arrival.

In such a case, the delegate needs to do the following:

  • Fill the application form and receive the conference invitation letter and invoice.
  • Inform the conference secretariat by email about 'On Spot' payment.
  • Submit a copy of flight tickets to the conference location/ institute's letter for permission to attend the conference to the conference secretariat.
  • Submit the registration fee as per the Invoice to the conference coordinator at the venue.

Normally the acceptance of papers is responded from the reviewer panel and notified to the authors in 2-3 working days. A fee Invoice is also provided to the applicant along with the acceptance/ invitation letter. Please do the payment of the Registration fee as per the invoice as soon as possible to secure your participation, as only a fixed number of participants are designated for any particular International Conference.

Conference Committee reserves all the rights to revise the registration fee/ close the registration process before the mentioned deadlines, on completion of the required number of registrations.

You do not need to pay any fee at the time of filling the “Online Application Form”. However, after receiving the acceptance/ invitation letter and the fee invoice, you should arrange to submit the registration fee as early as possible.

Please email us mentioning the expected time for the release of funds. We would be happy to extend your deadlines.

Yes, group registration is entitled to a registration fees discount of up to 10 per cent of the fee per head. There should be at least 3 individuals in a group. They should communicate and submit fees in a group and not on an individual basis.

Yes, you will receive a hard copy of the receipt along with the participation certificate during the valediction of the conference. We may also send the scanned receipt to your email at your request.

This is usually not a problem. Please inform the Conference Secretariat in writing, about your details, plus the contact details of the person who will be attending in your place. A substitution can then be made, and no extra charge or cancellation penalty is incurred.

Please contact the Conference Secretariat in writing in order to cancel the place fully. Please see our cancellation policy for more details:

Cancellation Policy:

In case you are not able to attend and you have already paid the full registration fees, the following policy would be considered. You may choose any of the below-mentioned options:

  • You may choose any upcoming Eurasia Research conference in place of this one (which you are not able to attend). The fee submitted for the cancelled conference will be adjusted in the chosen conference’s fee. Such a request can only be placed up to 15 days prior to the conference dates.
  • If you are unable to attend the conference personally, then you may choose to participate in the absentia category/ online category. Such a request can only be placed up to 15 days prior to the conference dates.
  • You may nominate any of your colleagues or friends to attend the conference in your place. Such a request can only be placed up to 03 days prior to the conference dates.
  • Participants will be offered a 'Credit Note' for the submitted fee for the conferences postponed/cancelled due to COVID 19/ Post COVID situation. The fees are non-refundable.
  • The conference fee is non-refundable. Participants will be offered a 'Credit Note' against the submitted fee if such a case arises.

No, we have found from our experience that delegates prefer to make their own independent travel arrangements. In the age of Internet bookings, it is easier and more cost-efficient for you to find the most convenient travel option for yourself. The conference organizers do not provide shuttles from the airport to the conference venue.

If you are unsure whether you need a visa to attend the conference, please check with your local embassy or travel agent. If you do, it is essential that you begin the process as soon as possible, in order that you obtain your visa in time for the conference or registration deadline.

Please visit this website for information on VISA: http://www.projectvisa.com/. Visa related information is also provided on the conference website.

Conference Secretariat will provide you with an official invitation to the conference, which is useful for getting a conference VISA.

In many cases, participants can attend the conference on Tourist/ General Visit VISA. You can also contact a VISA agent in your locality to assist you.

The certificate, which you would be awarded, would have the name of presenting authors only. If you require additional certificates for other co-authors as well, then an additional fee is applicable, as mentioned on our website on the ‘Registration and Payment’ page.

You can find all the conference photos on the Facebook Page of Eurasia Research (https://www.facebook.com/eurasiaresearch). Generally, the conference pictures are uploaded to the Facebook page, one day after the completion of the conference. In case you do not want your photos to be uploaded, please inform the conference coordinators not to click your photo and also keep yourself away from the group photo.

The criteria for the award are:

A. Originality:

The originality of contribution to knowledge with an emphasis on the research innovativeness in one or more of, (i) theoretical development, (ii) empirical results or, (iii) policy development/ industrial or commercial application

B. Quality of Argument:

Quality of argument incorporating, (i) critical analysis of concepts, theories, and findings, (ii) consistency and coherency of presentation, and (iii) communication skills and query handling

The selection will be based on the joint decision of the conference chair, coordinator and convener. The judges' decision would be final and binding. 

You can find the most updated information about the conference on the conference website. Any further assistance can be sought at the email address, mentioned on the conference website. We advise all participants to stay updated about the following:

  • Conference Venue Details
  • Paper/ Abstract Submission Deadline
  • Conference Schedule/ Program
  • Keynote/ Plenary Speakers

The papers are published in the associated conference journals. The associated journals are peer-reviewed and have the following credentials:

  • Google Scholar
  • iThenticate (Plagiarism Detection)
  • DOI by CrossRef for each published article
  • Outbound Referencing by CrossRef
  • Scribd (Archiving)
  • Portico (Archiving)
  • DRJI Indexing
  • Index Copernicus

The editorial team will ask the authors to suggest 2 Reviewers. You need to submit the name, affiliation and official email address of these reviewers. They must be competent authorities from the subject area of your research article. These reviewers must agree to review your paper fairly and cooperate with the editorial team.

Generally, the editorial team sends each paper to 5-10 reviewers. Each paper is properly vetted for improving its quality before final publication.

Peer review is a positive process

Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms the validity of the science reported. Peer reviewers are experts who volunteer their time to help improve the journal manuscripts they review- in a way they offer authors advice to publish a better quality paper.

Through the peer review process, manuscripts become:

  • More robust: Peer reviewers may point out gaps in your paper that require more explanation or additional experiments.
  • Easier to read: If parts of your paper are difficult to understand, reviewers can tell you so that you can fix them.
  • More useful: Peer reviewers also consider the importance of your paper to others in your field.

Of course, in addition to offering authors advice, another important purpose of peer review is to make sure that the manuscripts the journal eventually publishes are of high quality. If a journal publishes too many low-quality manuscripts, its reputation and number of readers will decline.

Your journal manuscript can be rejected if it:

  • Lacks proper structure
  • Lacks the necessary detail for readers to fully understand the authors' analysis
  • Has no new science
  • Does not clearly explain which parts of the findings are new science, versus what was already known
  • Lacks up-to-date references
  • Contains theories, concepts, or conclusions that are not fully supported by its data, arguments, and information
  • Does not provide enough details about materials and methods to allow other scientists to repeat the experiment

Lacks clear descriptions or explanations of:

  • Hypotheses tested
  • The experimental design
  • Sample characteristics and descriptive statistics
  • Describes poor experimental design, or faulty or insufficient statistical analysis
  • Has poor language quality
  • Is not corrected by the authors as per the review/ editorial comments within the stipulated time

The publication is a difficult process, and you must be prepared to defend your submission against rejection from both editors and peer reviewers. However, do not be too persistent. Generally, only one letter defending your submission will be accepted for each of the review stages (editorial review and peer review).

When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments:

  • Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers
  • Describe the revisions to your manuscript in your response letter
  • Perform any additional experiments or analyses the reviewers recommend (unless you feel that they would not make your paper better; if this is the case, explain why in your response letter)
  • Provide a polite and scientific rebuttal to any points or comments you disagree with
  • Differentiate between reviewer comments and your responses in the correction
  • Clearly show the major revisions in the text, either with a different colour text, by highlighting the changes, or with Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature
  • Return the revised manuscript and response letter within the time period the editor has communicated to you

If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring the conference, please write to the conference secretariat for the same for further details of costs and availability.

You may bring your child/ friend/ relative/ colleague with you for accompanying and clicking your photos and videos. If they join us for coffee and lunch they have to pay a nominal fee as mentioned on the registration page, along with your registration fee or on the venue to the conference coordinators.

The conferences are announced way earlier than their expected dates, but organising an International Event depends on various factors such as travel permissions, availability of the conference venue, health and safety guidelines, availability of speakers etc. We strive our best to follow the decided dates and schedule. The organisers reserve the rights to change the conference dates/ mode/ venue due to any unavoidable circumstances. Any such change would be informed to the confirmed participants.

If you would like to propose an organized session, please contact the conference secretariat, including its subject and format along with minimum of 5 presenters interested in attending the session.

We understand that the participants may have some feelings/ inhibitions/ anxieties/ thoughts, which they want to share with us. We believe in ethics and humility, our participants are like friends to us. It is very important for us to understand your likes and dislikes. We promise you that we would do our utmost efforts to provide the solution for your queries/ respond to your emails. Please feel free to contact us by Email. We believe in building trust and satisfaction in our stakeholders.

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